Editors: Dr. Joseph J. Palackal C.M.I. and Felix Simon |
एन् मारिया आलाहा
Ēn Māryā Alāhā -
एमरे द् आलाहा
Emare d'alaaha (Lamb of God) -
एन्नाना लहमे
Ennaana lahma (I am the Bread that came down from heaven) -
Ermarmmak -
Esthappānōs (Stephen) -
एथा पुस्स लेक्
Ēthā pūś lēk (Farewell, O Church) -
एतपन्न् अल् स्लोथा
Eţpan al slōţā (Turn to the prayer) -
Ewarek l' marya -
Exchange of peace