Aramaic Project

No. 200 to 191 - Interviews and Performances - Video List

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Aramaic Project Number Description Video Link
AP 200

Family entertainment with a Syriac song. An unusual video

AP 199

SLOSAK AWUN . St. Thomas Syro Malabar Church, Detroit, Michigan

AP 198

Children beat Corona virus by choral singing. SMYM KATTAPPANA Forane

AP 197

Syriac chant to celebrate St. Thomas Day. Houston, Texas.

AP 196

Catechism through Syriac chants. Ramsha Mariam Payyappilly

AP 195

Syriac chants during priestly ordination of Fr Melvin Paul. Chicago

AP 194

St. Thomas Chant for the feast of Dukhrana.

AP 193


Did St. Thomas Come to Kerala?

A critical inquiry into the CNN program on Doubting Thomas. Cyriac Scaria cross-examines Dr. Joseph J. Palackal, CMI, one of the guests on the CNN program.

AP 192

Qandisa Alaha and Covid-19. Syro Malabar children sing in Austin, Texas

AP 191


Five-hundred children preparing for bilingual (English/Syriac )Qurbana, Dallas
