Aramaic Project - II

Interviews and Performances - Video List

No. 20 to 11

Goto No. - | AP2-14| AP2-13| AP2-12| AP2-11
Aramaic Project Number Description Video

AP 350 / AP2-14

Ann Liya Wilson Sings "Pagre Damsiha". Melody from the Church of the East

The Anthem of the Mysteries is an important chant for several reasons. The text prescribes the chant be sung twice with two different incipits....

AP 349 / AP2-13

Slothak Awun. Melody of the Church of the East. Ann Liya Wilson

Ann Liya Wilson sings "Slothak Avoon" Recorded at Wilson Muriyadan's home in Thrissur.

AP 348 / AP2-12

Ann Lia Wilson. Melody of "BRIK HANNANA." Church of the East

The melody of this famous Christological hymn is unique due to its rhythmic structure. The verses consist of four-syllable phrases, Bri-ha-nna-na, daw-thai-bu-se....

AP 326 / AP2-11

Melody of "Sagdinan" from the Chaldean Syrian church of the East

Ann Lia Wilson Sings Sagdinan Mar. Comparatively simpler, shorter, strictly syllabic melody from the Chaldean Syrian Church of the East.
